Transmedia Storytelling - Crisis Simulations

These Envision Festivals I feel are tied into the mix as a possible training ground for future Party Specialists. They train the party specialists with all the transmedia subminimal messaging tools to mentally subdue the unassuming audience watching the hypnotizing sh#$ show. (Envision Festival 'Official 2022 Trailer': Join The Utopian Jungle Experience - YouTube)

Here is Envision Festival’s YouTube channel. BTW Jacque has attended a few of these Envision festivals.

Preaching a complete disconnect for what it takes to being a free thinking human as far as I see it.

THE 7 PILLARS OF EVISION. Interesting!!!

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Another one of these new age change the world music festivals.
“Can you see the colour” lyrics in the video song Lightning in a Bottle 2022 Recap Video (Extended Cut) - YouTube. Interesting!!!

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I posted these news articles below on optogenetics as a form of ‘threat tech’ in the sense of transmedia immersion—the original post includes more about transgene viral vectors for delivering these light sensors directly to neurons (use of SV40 ‘monkey’ virus, AAV adeno-associated virus, and TMV tobacco mosaic virus). Here’s the biological adjustment bureau at work, giving you real feel synergy!


Optogenetics is essentially the study of light-sensitive proteins called opsins. Dr. Karl Deisseroth of Stanford, developer of the science of optogenetics and a practicing psychiatrist, found his experimental opsins in green algae: “In the summer of 2004, Deisseroth opened his own lab at Stanford and hired a brilliant PhD student named Feng Zhang… to do the delicate work of introducing the pond-scum opsin into a brain cell. The opsin would have to be smuggled into the cell using a virus, but at a concentration that would not kill the neuron… Zhang chose a benign lentivirus…[and] After a year of experiments, the team had created the world’s first reliable technology for generating light-sensitive neurons that signaled at the speed of the brain… Finally, they devised a means for attaching small bits of DNA to the opsins, which acted like a password, insuring that they would be produced only in the correct cells. Then they had to figure out a way to deliver flashes of light to regions deep inside the brain, and settled for a fiber-optic wire attached to a laser diode. In late 2005, they began…tests to see if they could control behavior in mice”… [and came up with a ‘joystick mouse’]

“The invention of optogenetics greatly accelerated the pace of progress in brain science. But experimenters were limited by the difficulty of delivering light deep into brain tissue. Now ultrathin, flexible microchips, each one hardly bigger than a neuron, are being tested as injectable devices to put nerves under wireless control. They can be inserted deep into a brain…”

Using Light to deliverTouch:

March 2012– “We have recently generated… transgenic lines of rat in which …some neurons were endowed with photosensitivity by the introduction of the ChR2 gene, coding an algal photoreceptor molecule… We identified that ChR2 is expressed in a certain population of large neurons in the DRG [dorsal root ganglion]…[and] were classified as mechanoreceptive… Each…rat showed a sensory-evoked behavior in response to blue LED flashes on the plantar skin. It is thus suggested that each rat acquired an unusual sensory modality of sensing blue light through the skin as touch-pressure.”

Is it possible that one could hear light, smell light, taste light and touch light? When ChR2 [algal opsin] is targeted to different peripheral sensory neurons by viral vectors… the animals can sense the light as various sensations such as hearing, touch, pain, [etc.].”

Effect on memories:

2009 –…“Wolfson Institute…at University College London [has] developed a way to activate a small subset of the neural circuit that underlies a specific memory… The researchers took advantage of a gene called c-fos, which is expressed by recently activated neurons, and used the portion that controls gene expression to turn on the light-sensitive protein channelrhodopsin…”

2016 –At MIT “Tonegawa’s lab has identified cells in the brain’s hippocampus that store specific memories. The researchers have also shown that they can manipulate these memory traces, or engrams, to plant false memories, activate existing memories, or alter a memory’s emotional associations. ‘Lost’ memories can be found – CLINICALNEWS.ORG


Multi-Sensory Environment (MSE) Room therapy, in general use for preschools and nursing homes, is where participants can ‘safely’ interact with electronics and music


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Training ground for the new age save the world techno urban hippies. Empire is brilliant indeed!

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Thanks Jen for the info. Do you have any idea what subluminal message may be taking place in the brains of this unsuspecting young crowd by the bright emerald green target shooting lights?
It seem like these techno music gatherings with the elaborate light shows would be a perfect environment to unleash this optic mind altering technology on a targeted young audience.

There is something very sinister going on here, without the consent of the participants.
Hard to watch young people misguided this way.

My son Simon got a job fishing on a black cod boat, which will taken out to blue water. I am extremely happy that he has this opportunity to remove himself from all the subliminal spell bounding technology consuming young these days. Hopefully this experience will help him distinguish between what is real and what Empire is telling him is real.

Facebook clip got blocked, but here is a screen shot of the clip. The light show is accompanied by meaningless techno music.

Slowly normalizing the real with the unreal. A gateway to normalizing transhumanism. Techno music gatherings are an important part of Empires desired transformation.

Magenta of course back in 2013. Hmmm!

Am I just getting old, or is this kind of creepy!

Time stamped: Disclosure | FULL SET | Pitchfork Music Festival Paris 2013 - YouTube

Magenda, emerald green, Pink Floyd,1988.

Interesting lyrics to this song.

“On The Turning Away”

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won’t understand
“Don’t accept that what’s happening
Is just a case of others’ suffering
Or you’ll find that you’re joining in
The turning away”

It’s a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting its shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we’re all alone
In the dream of the proud

On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
Mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night

No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It’s not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there’ll be
No more turning away?

At time stamped 2:03
These lyrics are song -

It’s a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting its shroud
Over all we have known

In sync with the timing of the lyric the tandem magenta, bright emerald green star looking lights appear. Interesting!

Looks like us old folks have been part of the light show programing too.

Subluminal optics at play here too.
“I have become comfortably numb” in sync with flashing bright green emerald lights. David Gilmour - Comfortably Numb (Live At Pompeii) - YouTube

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Most of Pink Floyd lyrics since Roger Waters leaving the band in 1984 were written by David Gilmour’s wife, English novelist Polly Samson.

Comfortably Numb lyrics were written by Roger Waters.

While I do think those with power use color, symbols, numbers and lyrics for imprinting I also know that sometimes it’s just a creative decision of the artist. I do creative work and have used these colors before without any particular meaning, just because I liked the way it looked.

I think we need to be careful about not seeing hidden meanings in everything, while also pointing out where it is obvious (like the Queen’s Jubilee for example).

Just my thoughts.

By the way, I can trace the beginning my awakening to how global power operates to Roger Waters lyrics with Pink Floyd. While I wish he would see some of these other, deeper things going on, I’m grateful for his contribution to the world.

David Gilmour on the other hand is an amazing guitarist and singer but an ignorant fool. His piece of shit war propaganda video masquerading as an appeal for peace was disgusting. The song is called “Hey Hey Rise Up” and the video looks like the most poorly produced state propaganda. I know the spouse of one of his children is Ukrainian (surely not one of the poor people being used as human shields by the Ukrainian army). Gilmour should be ashamed of himself for lending Pink Floyd’s name to these atrocities. And no, I don’t support Russia either. Everyone involved is a bad actor.

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Yeah Jason, I need to be a little more careful for sure. Thanks.

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It’s difficult because there is a lot of that imprinting going on. And it can be hidden in plain sight because it is so esoteric and can blend in with other creative work that’s not part of the programming. Quite clever really.

Not sure what kind of sustainable living these young people are going to learn surrounded by a large group of foreign people not native to the land, while being inundated with a constant flow of unnatural noises, colors and movements. Maybe I am old fashion, but I get more out of nature when I am by myself, I move slow and I am very quiet.
My gut feeling is that there is more going on. Such as an opportunity for Empire to mold these young minds into the new environmental movement. A version of sustainable living in sync with what is rolling out in smart cities for example. Just saying!

I’ve attended a lot of these techno music gatherings (but not Lightning in a Bottle or Envision but friends have). I’ve had a lot of fun at them and didn’t see any evidence of subliminal messaging. I have even done video projections at them with no ulterior motive. When and if such messaging exist it’s a good thing to draw attention to it specifically. It’s not good to speculate and make broad claims. Let’s be specific and provide concrete evidence. Again, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but I think we need to employ due diligence. Point out the specific messaging and especially be able to connect it to the instruments of power, like for example say x foundation funded x project and this is also what x foundation is funding. Make the connections. If there is more going on please share.

There is a lot of hypocrisy at these festivals. I think people mean well but they want to have the experience while also giving an empty nod to things like sustainable living and indigenous people. They want to have it both ways. I know, I have been involved with many of these type festivals. While I’ve had some amazingly fun times, I never thought that they were environmental or just. In 2007 I did a film festival of environmental documentaries at Burningman. That year’s theme was “Green Man”. While the films did help educate about some of the issues they never addressed the root causes. I began to realize even back then that there was a disconnect. Burningman was not and has never been “green”, no matter how you dress it up. Nor are any of these events. There are some positive things about them but also serious problems as well. The people with money who organize them are ultimately capitalists selling a brand. I know a lot of them come from tech so there is an ideological influence of tech “solutions”.

Gino @gino the Party Scientist links are interesting for the range of activities; corporate team-builders on one hand with their lanyards and matching clothes to the hugely logistical camp festivals of cybernetic design. I think people have always gathered for ritual culture experience and social cohesion, so I don’t see a dark agenda in that either, but question the allusion to science and the idea of programmed environments as laboratories. Maybe it’s an unfortunate choice of name by Jacque from your (and my) perspective but still an innocent choice meant to evoke professionalism. Looks to me like most of these party gigs are small, short-term engaging affairs with no cell phones or tech intrusions. The ‘bar’ scene is another story.

Food for thought…

Terence McKenna Explains His Most Fundamental Concept ‘The Archaic Revival’ Terence McKenna Explains his Most Fundamental Concept “The Archaic Revival” - YouTube [text] “Consciousness is the domain of immediate experience. How are we going to save this planet? How are we going to take the lethal cascade of toxic, technological and ignorance-producing habits that are loose on this planet and channel them toward some kind of a sane and liveable world? Well, the answer is emerging in culture out of the collectivity of global consciousness. It is what I call the Archaic Revival. It is this very large turnover in the mass mind—some people call it a paradigm shift. It’s an effort to recover the sensory ratios, the feelings and the attitudes of fifteen to twenty thousand years ago; before fear, before ego, before male dominance, before hierarchy, hoarding, warfare, propaganda, child abuse –all of these things. And the answer lies…in integration into the dynamics of nature…[and] the only way this can be done is by dissolving the boundaries of ego”……

McKenna is just one of several CIA-connected thought leaders mentioned in the article “Manufacturing the Dead Head” by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin, making their point of mass mind control. Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering... by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin - Logos Media : …” Irvin and Atwill developed a theory about the origin of the psychedelic movement of the 1960’s: The “counterculture” had been developed by elements within the U.S. government and banking establishment as part of a larger plan to bring about a new Dark Age; or, as it was marketed to potential victims, an ‘archaic revival.’[4]

…”If, as the authors believe, the psychedelic movement was part of a general plan to usher in a new Dark Age, this suggests that McKenna’s promotion of a drug-fueled “archaic revival” was also a part of the plan… The purpose of this plan was to establish a neo-feudalism by the debasing of the intellectual abilities of young people to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages. One accurate term used for the individuals who were victims of this debasing was “Deadhead,” which is an equivocation for a “dead mind” or “a drugged, thoughtless person.”…

“Terence McKenna eventually became the key promoter of the Huxleys’ and the Esalen Institute’s New Dark Age, or neo-feudalist, post-modernist agenda to enslave the masses and turn back history. McKenna’s book The Archaic Revival is essentially a rundown of nearly all of the items promoted by the Fourth World Wilderness agenda to accomplish these goals…

… in The Archaic Revival Terence McKenna admits:

You know, I am very much at variance with the wisdom of hindsight in looking back at how Leary and Alpert and Ralph Metzner handled it in the sixties. But to try to launch a “children’s crusade,” to try to co-opt the destiny of the children of the middle class using the media as your advance man [i.e. Henry Luce and Time-Life] was a very risky business. And it rebounded, I think, badly.
I think Huxley’s approach was much more intelligent—not to try to reach the largest number of people, but to try to reach the most important and influential people: the poets, the architects, the politicians, the research scientists, and especially the psychotherapists. Because what we’re talking about is the greatest boon to psychotherapy since dreaming. [emphasis added]”

Fourth World Wilderness

The Fourth World Wilderness Congress (WWC) :Worldwide Conservation, the Proceedings of the Symposium on Biosphere Reserves was held in Denver, USA on September 11-18, 1987 [1, 2]

The 4th WWC involved 1600 delegates from 62 nations, among them Ms Gro Harlem Brundtland (Prime Minister of Norway) and Maurice Strong, David Rockerfeller, James Baker and Edmund de Rothschild. [4, 5, 6, 7] “The conference ultimately revolved around the question of financing for the burgeoning environmental movement that Strong had shaped from the ground up through his work at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).”

It was at this conference that Rothschild called for a World Conservation Bank, which he envisioned as the funding mechanism for a “second Marshall Plan” that would be used for third world “debt relief” and “sustainable development.” [6, 7, 8]

Greg Hunt came to learn that the New World Order refers to the coming boundary-less world as the fourth world wilderness!


Hey Jason, here is my come back.
I was trying to focus in on Lighting in a Bottle, Envision Festival and a friends son who operates as The Party Specialist. My observations were not intended to be broad to include smaller techno gatherings. I did bring in some big name rock stars that would draw a large crowd. A 1988 Pink Floyd concert was used to show that the emerald green and magenta was used in tandem even back then. Was it a coincident to be used in tandem in 1988, or purposefully done. Hard to tell. Just pointing it out. With the other first three I mentioned, just by observing quite a few of their promo videos, transmedia knowledge and use was evident. Transmedia color spell, image spell, word spell, sound spell, yoga spell ( aka Spiritual spell) seemed to be used extensively. Blended all together to mold the minds of the future environmental movement into the vision of what Empire wants it look like. Envision and Lighting in the bottle targeting the new aged hippies and Jacque The Party Specialist targeting the cities slickers. ( My speculative guess at this time) A training center so the speak, that keeps these young people in a narrow way of thinking. Never exposing the bigger picture as we here are trying to do. So what insights do these types of large gatherings really inspire to better the world. I would say nothing, just the same old compartmentalizing, never going deep like we should. Okay this last statement could be very speculative, but that is my thinking at this time.

Here are some promo videos of the three:
Envision Festival Envision Festival 'Official 2022 Trailer': Join The Utopian Jungle Experience - YouTube
Founder of Envision Festival, Stephen Brooks The Founder Of Envision Festival On Creating A Special Vibe
Two Tedx Talks videos, which btw you do not get on Tedx Talks unless Empire wants you to get on.
On building Intentional Communities: Stephen Brooks at TEDxBlackRockCity - YouTube
In Search of Sustainable Dreams: Permaculture and Quality of Life - YouTube

Lighting in a Bottle with a similar target audience, with similar transmedia knowledge at play.

My friends son’s party specialist venture.
Vitalize & Unite Your Workplace Using Social Neurochemistry
THE SCIENCE: Interesting! very polished online production for a 25 year old to have done on his own. Speculation again here, but he will be financially rewarded well to continue on this career path by you know who.
Biosocial Hacking | Your Health By Hacking Your Human Connections
Here is Jacque at a Envision Festival in Costa Rica. ( His connection here is interesting)
Envision Festival Gets Party Crashed By The Party Scientist - YouTube

Not exactly sure what is taking place, but my gut feeling is that Empire is working and funding behind the scene in these three examples of Human Betterment Festivals. Just saying!

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I have lots of criticism of these festivals and also have really enjoyed attending them too, mostly because friends I’ve gone with. But there is a hypocrisy and I would say a culture at them with an openness to many of the techno/crypto/cybernetic “solutions” being marketed to sell digital empire. But in my experience the aesthetic and colors were not coordinated top down. I have done projections and even brought colored lights to these event and I was not part of any agenda.

As for the Pink Floyd stage lighting, they (and all bands) use a wide array of color combinations. Just the other night I was saw a bluegrass band called Elephant Revival and they used tons of magenta in their lighting. My friend’s company manages them and I know they are not part of the imprinting. I just don’t think it’s enough to point to colors. We need to show a connection to these systems.

And again, I do agree that colors, symbols, numbers and story is weaponized and used for brainwashing (for lack of a better term). But these things also exist outside of those efforts as well.

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Wow @jenlake, I didn’t know about The Fourth World Wilderness Congress, in my hometown no less. Thanks for sharing.

By the way, deadhead also means one without a ticket. :thinking:

@jason George Hunt of Boulder, who attended the proceedings, created a video tape to alert people to this Fourth World Wilderness congress The Fourth World Wilderness - The Lossness Of The Mind - YouTube

It occurs to me writing this, with the addition of the Dead Head/McKenna material, that the 1987 4WW is part of the Active Shooter developments. On the big media stage, I think every Active Shooter multi-agency crisis simulation since Columbine has been working out these transmedia design elements but I think very few are actually templated in a grander design—the ‘grands’ possibly limited to Columbine, Aurora @stephers , Sandy Hook, and Boston Marathon. Each seems to have novel storylines within the event complex itself that left a lasting public trauma in its wake. There are number correspondences to these four events which suggests to me that Columbine ‘set up’ the other three in a perverse expansion of story terrain.

In the “Manufacturing the Dead Head” link quoting Terence McKenna is this reference to time:

“In another chapter regarding his timewave theory, he states: ‘Within the timewave a variety of ‘resonance points’ are recognized. Resonance points can be thought of as areas of the wave that are graphically the same as the wave at some other point within the wave, yet differ from it through having different quantified values… Implicit in this theory of time is the notion that duration is like a tone in that one must assign a moment at which the damped oscillation is finally quenched and ceases. I chose the date December 21, 2012 A.D., as this point because with that assumption the wave seemed to be in the “best fit” configuration with regard to the recorded facts of the ebb and flow of historical advance into connectedness. Later I learned to my amazement that this same date, December 21, 2012, was the date assigned as the end of their calendrical cycle by the classic Maya, surely one of the world’s most time-obsessed cultures.’ [6] ~ Terence McKenna” Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering... by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin - Logos Media ; my emphasis in bold is specifically to give McKenna’s statement an application in the Shooter sims that appear to correspond to the Fourth World Wilderness conference and “advance into connectedness.”

Calculating date numbers, I leave ‘11’s and its multiples intact (as a conserved ‘master number’ variant**)** and reduce the year #s to a double digit under 100 (2012=20+12=32) –I aim to use double digits where given as a source of more information, but this is fairly standard western pop numerology.

Fourth World Wilderness started September 11, 1987 (seven days) date# 9+11+25=45(4+5)=9; ended 9-18-1987—date# 9+18+25=52=(5+2)=7

Columbine : April 20, 1999; victims only 13 killed, 21 wounded (2+1=3) wounded, or 13 plus 3—date# 4+20+28=52 =(5+2)=7

Aurora : July 20, 2012; 13 years and 3 months (13 plus 3) after Columbine; 12 killed, 70 wounded, “deadliest shooting since Columbine”—date# 7+20+32=59= (5+9)=14 or 7+2+5=14 =5

Sandy Hook: December 14, 2012; 13 years 7 months (which is**+4 months, related to Aurora**) after Columbine; 26 killed, 1 wounded (at school)—date#12+14+32=58=(5+8)=13

Boston: April 15, 2013; 13 years 11 months (which is**+4 months, related to Sandy Hook**); —date#4+15+33=52=(5+2)=7, same number as the 4th World Wilderness and Columbine.

1987 to 2013 is 2 x13 years on the cusp of the millenium –26 years, the number of the Tetragrammaton

—this is usually enough to confirm an occult time relationship and start digging, with some actual time and ‘elemental’ time, like the #13.

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